Straight line - gent in center
All turn in place
Jump 7?s - front to right, center in place, back to left
Slam step shuffle hop back \ front 1st, center 2nd, back 3rd, all together
Slam step shuffle hop back /
Back & center arch, back turns under
Front turns under into circle
Circle right
Ladies turn under, gent forward
Ladies cross with 7?s & make arch
Gent turns and backs up - ladies hands down on 8
Slam step shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back
Jump heel slide, shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back
Brush hop toe heel step, brush hop toe heel step
Slam step shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back
Ladies cross behind keeping hands and face each other on 4
Ladies - Slam step shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back
Gent - Slam step shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back, shuffle hop back
Up 2, 3, step, jump, step (lean)
Hop toe hop back, hop toe hop back
Hop 1, 2, 3 (turning right)
Hop 1, 2, 3 (turning right)
Hop toe round side,
Switch toe hop back