Three Sea Captains

Step Type: 
Set Dance


Download the Music - Recital Speed - Right click on the link and "Save/Save As"

Download the Music - Slow Practice Speed - Right click on the link and "Save/Save As"


Brush jump step; Shuffle whip, shuffle hop back; Flap and cross
Brush hop 1, hit step 2, hit step 3
Toe heel step
Hop rock 2, 3;  Hop rock 2, 3
Brush jump step; Toe heel step; Hop back, flap and cross



Brush jump step; Shuffle whip, shuffle hop back; Flap and cross
Brush jump step; Shuffle whip, shuffle hop back; Flap and cross

Shuffle whip, shuffle hop back
Shuffle whip, shuffle hop back

Shuffle 1, Shuffle 2, Shuffle 1, 2, 3, 4

Brush hop out, brush hop back; Flap and cross; Brush jump step
Brush hop out, brush hop back; Flap and cross; Brush jump step

Brush jump step, Hop back
Flap brush hop toe heel step
Brush jump step

Flap heel heel click, step back
Shuffle jump heel

Step back, step back

Flap heel heel click, step back
Brush jump step, Toe heel step
Shuffle hop back
Flap and cross