Starts: Line of Gents faces Line of Ladies
Advance and Retire
Jig Step (Right & Left)
Advance and Retire
Jig Step (Right & Left)
Left Hand Swing
(top gent & end lady full turn with Left hand, return home)
(top lady & end gent full turn with Left hand, return home)
Right Hand Swing
(top gent & end lady full turn with Right hand, return home)
(top lady & end gent full turn with Right hand, return home)
Double Spin
(top gent & end lady Double Spin 8 bars, return home)
(top lady & end gent Double Spin 8 bars, return home)
Link Arms
(top gent & lady link Right arms for 1 turn;
each links Left arm to Left of opposite sex;
meet in middle with Right link arms;
Continue to end of line and Double spin back to place)
Cast Off and Arches
(top couple casts off & forms arch at opposite end of the line;
remaining couples take hands & pass thru arch;
Couple #2 is now top couple)
Repeat forever