2 in front turn
4 in back turn
Back couples slip side & slip slide back - toe, switch toe hop back
Front - right hands across, turn, back to place - left hands too
Back couples cross hands, drop back to turn to each other & make arch (R hands only)
Front backs thru arch, hands up & circle once around in spiral
Front goes thru back, comes out & form straight line
L back is #1 in line
R back is #2 facing audience
Turn in line (R front + L back; L front + L back; middle) - jump butterfly jump
Figure 8 (middle ends facing back)
Back goes to front; middle to back and out; front turns in place
toe switch toe, hop back (front only)
toe switch toe, hop back (middle only)
toe switch toe, hop back (back only)
toe switch toe hop back
Jump 2, 3 step whip hop, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Step toe switch toe, hop back
Hop rock 2, 3, 4, 5
Jump Jump hop back
Hop rock 2, 3, 4, 5
Cross jump 2, 3, 4, 5
Hop up jump 2, 3
Cross over & cast off into straight line
Hands and switch places
Outside 2 slides 2 times, 4 bars total
Center 2 come forward; back slip slides; into straight line
Chain to circle into basket into star
gay gordon partners, lead partners around to triangle
back to back spin