2021 Adult 3 Hand

Step Type: 

3  2

1 starts facing in

7s in triangle 3x
front back up to line, sides 7s out
figure 8

right up 4, mid up 2 to diag
step (adult 5 hand) 

cast into triangle 3 left back, 1 right back, 2 front

adv and retire,  move into vertical line  2, 1, 3  (front to back)

7s out -- 2 & 3 go right
weave in circle
2 & 3, right/right
1+3 right/right
2 & 3 right
1 & 3 switch spots into straight line across 2,1,3 

end with #1 in middle facing back
fast turns..starting on 5

fast swing
middle weaves starting outside to their left first, end facing forward
ends cross in front to opposite sides (3s), switch sides with 7 
back 3s forward into line 1,2.. all turn right..3,4
7s to right ..face forward on back 2 3
Toe, hop, back; toe hop back
hop back 2,3 hop back 2,3
turn 2,3 turn 2,3 turn 2,3 ..toe switch toe