2008 Adult 2 Hand Reel

Step Type: 

Semi-circle right:
Advance 1,2 -- Lady turn under 3,4
Advance 5,6 -- Lady switches sides & hands
-- Repeat back to place

Switch with 7's
Cross to opposite corner with 3's

Back to Back: Face partner 1,2; back-to-back 3,4 + 5,6; 7,8 -- drop front hands and turn under

Lady turns out to face gent
Double spin - full turn

7's across back to back
Opposite corners with 3's
7's across
Meet in middle facing front & back

STEP: Round and out with 7's
- right foot twice, ending with Hop Back, Hop Back, Hop Back 2, 3
- turn to face each other after 1st time
- 2nd time done facing each other; end with sides towards front

7's right -- finish with switch 2,3; switch 2, 3
Gent goes to Lady, takes hand and dances around Lady's left; end with both facing front
Advance 1,2; slip sides
Lady takes gent's right hand and goes around left Gay Gordon style and back to place

Sevens with hands -- 4 sets of 7's - no 3's, switching hands each time

Switch 2,3 Switch 2,3
Switch 2,3 Switch 2,3
Hop back, Hop back, Hop back 2,3