Start 2, 3, 3
Ladies turn under
7's to side - Front switches, middle to R, back to L
Arches - front 2 weave to outside of lines
Spirals - end in 2 straight lines
Cast off to 1 line - crossing in front
Arches/waves over both lines; progressively moving forward
Couples 1 & 3 switch with kick, kick hop back 2, 3
Couples 2 & 4 switch with kick, kick hop back 2, 3
Basket - gents in 1st
circle R with 7's; back out to 4 couples
Ladies interlace - crossing in front of partner
Ladies Right hands in to 1 before partner
Turn & back to partner for full turn
Gents interlace Left hands in to 1 before partner
Turn & back to partner for full turn
Chain all around
Double snakes - left side together; front & back partners split
Switch groups, double snakes
Double small circles into single circle
Ladies R hands, L hands; Gents 7's R, L
With R hands in, Gents pickup Ladies outside hand
Ladies stop, Gents travel 2 times
Continue circling to 2,4,2 positions