2007 2pm 2 Hand

Step Type: 

Semi circle
Turn in place ending one facing front, one facing back
7's to back
Gent full turn around lady ending facing back
Double spin one time
7's across, turn facing opposite direction
3's to corners, back turns to face front

Hop toe, round the side
Switch toe, hop back
Hop back and twist, Hop back and twist
Click, 2, 3, Click, 2, 3
Jump, 2, 3, step, whip hop lean

Semi circle, gent goes left
Gent around front to back with Right hand, end hands in front
Slip sides with rocks
Lady to front
Hands out, turn to face Right
Back to back
Turn under (ending with crossed hands)

Lady turns out, ends facing gent
Half turn (switch places)
Gent goes forward, Lady goes back
7's across, 7's diagonal
7's across, 7's diagonal

Hop Front 2, 3; Hop Front 2, 3
Switch 2, 3; Switch 2, 3
7's (gent back, lady forward)
Hop rock 2, 3; Hop rock 2, 3

3's back up (4 bars)
Gent whips around (4 bars)
Up 2,3,4,5,6,7
Click 2, 3 Click 2,3
Hop back, hop back, hop back 2,3
Hop toe, hop toe, hop back, step slide