1 2
3 5 4
Turn R - 2 bars, stay 3, 4
Back arches, front & back switch places - 4 bars
Figure 8 - back 2 both weave (back R - before front R; back L after front R)
1/2 box - sides switch 2x; front middel 4 forward, 4 back
Circle - 8 bars
Into inside/outside circle (#1, 5 face out) Turn into circle - 4 bars;
Open out into circle - 4 bars; Circle R - 4 bars; into spirals - 4 bars
Spiral (3 with R, 2 with L) - 16 bars (end with double spin into straight lines)
Gent weaves turning Ladies - 16 bars (end with snake)
Front crosses with 7's; back crosses with 7's; gent stays (form V)
Round and out, hop back 2, 3
hop back and twist
hop back and twist
hop back 2,3,4,5,6,7
hop back, hop back, hop back 2, 3
Front & back switch places; 7's into single straight line
Cast off into double bridges
Gent thru bridges - 8 bars
Bridges do 7's into circle; Circle R
Gent backs up; Ladies R hands full turn; Gent back to place
Fast swing 2x
Ends back under arch to back; other Ladies forward; Gent to center
Slam step shuffle hop back
Slam step shuffle hop back
Slam step shuffle hop back
Slam step shuffle hop back
Slam step, Slam step, Slam step shuffle hop back (R foot forward)
Slam step, Slam step, Slam step shuffle hop back (L foot forward)