2003 Adult 6 Hand

Step Type: 

Circle L, back to place

Right hands in (4 bars)
Gents back out to meet partner
Continue until all in straight line (8 bars)
Couples turn (1 on 5, 2 on 6, 3 on 7, all dance on 8)

End couples advance to form bridge
Center couple thru bridges & form new bridge

End couples cast off to straight line

Fast swing (8 bars)

Ends start turning under - 2 bars each

Fast chain - hands on 1,2,3,4
End next to partner


Figure 8's

7's to straight line & continue to other side


1st couple advance to original position

Sides switch

1st couple: figure 8 around sides
Small circle; Large circle; small circle
Spin back to place

Cast off as couples ending in straight line

7's up to form V

Finish: toe, hop toe, hop toe, whip up